The scientific term

that represents the art of electronic-digital games

"Interactivography: the art of games"
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We-e-el, modding as paid pleasure! Yeah, will be paying to us, game developers!

– It was such a recent decision of the Valve (who do not understand – will be selling game modifications on Steam). This is valid for modding yet under The Elder Scrolls-5: Skyrim.

A lot of noise has risen because of this. Some idi ... Read more »

Category: Other News | Views: 2297 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-04-27 | Comments (0)

Virtual reality device Oculus Rift can reveal to you the amazing places such as tourist attractions, planets, scenes from the movies or just push you into a world of nostalgia.

A great example of this - the arcade playing hall from the 80th years, recreated in virtual reality, like The New Retro Arcade by Digital Cyber ... Read more »

Category: Other News | Views: 1654 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-02-13 | Comments (0)

For ten years we are waiting for when Valve will present desired, but not announced and not even confirmed the continuation of Half-Life.

In this new fan video represents how our hero Gordon Freeman, little older but more fat, is suffering from boredom, waiting for a new chance to fight against the combines and again to save the Earth.

This is very sad, almost tragic... in video, an ... Read more »

Category: Other News | Views: 1188 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-02-09 | Comments (0)

GDC conference organizers interviewed about 2 thousand US video game developers. Have found that more than half of them work on projects for PC !

Among those interviewed developers 56% said that they make games for the PC (3% more than the previous year), 50% - for tablet ... Read more »

Category: News about Game Industry | Views: 1050 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-01-19 | Comments (0)

  Engineer Ed Zariсk made a laptop PlayBox from the consoles XBox One and PlayStation-4.
This engineer printed the laptop case on the 3D printer, fit in it hardware of two consoles and integrated with monitor Vizio 22-inch screen with a resolution of 1080p.

 Designer also has built the ... Read more »

Category: News about Gaming Devices | Views: 985 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-01-19 | Comments (0)



  ... Read more »

Category: News about Games | Views: 998 | Added by: death_pimp1234 | Date: 2015-01-18 | Comments (0)

Razer company at exhibition CES presented the virtual reality glasses Hacker Dev Kit.
Very strange name for glasses, is not it?

Razer Hacker Dev Kit comes in stores in June 2015 and will cost $ 200.


... Read more »

Category: Other News | Views: 1115 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2015-01-08 | Comments (0)

  The trading network Walmart by mistake sold to American Igor Baksht a box with two rocks instead of the console PS4.

  About this reports the site 7News Den ... Read more »

Category: Other News | Views: 918 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2014-12-30 | Comments (0)

The studio Double Fine (game Psychonauts, Broken Age, Brutal Legend) has launched a video series about the creation of video games, and is called "Devs Play".

In this video series, the developers talk about the creation of the famous video game and play in them.

... Read more »

Category: News about Game Developing | Views: 960 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2014-12-25 | Comments (0)

  In the Internet appeared information that Microsoft, supposedly, has engaged in its own virtual reality glasses. And that some developers have already had access to the prototype of this device.
  About ... Read more »

Category: News about Gaming Devices | Views: 948 | Added by: DmitryONik80 | Date: 2014-12-24 | Comments (0)

1 2 3 4 »


P U B L I S H E R  section  [come here to add entry]

Category: General Theory

New theoretical vision, in addition to the traditional

 (analytical article, popular science)

Forword by the author:

– The first version of this article I published in September 2014. For nearly a year I significantly edited the article, I have added more information and subsequently have divided this article into two large parts, for greater comfort. Basic information is mainly in the first part.
I hope that this article will be useful for you.


The traditional classification of the electronic-digital games (they are also known as video games) is make commonly according to the interactive genres (shooter, slasher, racing etc.), artistic genres (drama, tragedy, melodrama, etc.). Also, is according to the scale of development, target audience or provided budgets – such as casual  games, hardcore, indie (independent games) or mainstream, AAA, art-house. Such classification of the games will...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 987
  0 5.0

Category: General Theory

Managementul uman în echipă (note pentru „şefuleţi”)

- Acesta e continuarea celei de-a doua părţi "Clasificarea Arhetipică a Jocurilor Video: Esenţa Jocurilor"

Nu aş fi scris aşa ceva în cadrul temei de bază, dar m-am gîndit că este deasemenea foarte important, mai ales pentru o fructuoasă elaborare a jocurilor anume în echipă, fie de indie sau mainstream. Consideraţi-o ca pe-o ultimă subliniere din acest articol. Mai în scurt...
Deoarece am început vorba despre echipă, atunci ar trebui...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 836
  0 5.0

Category: General Theory

Esenţa Jocurilor

 (articol analitic, ştiinţifico-popular)

Cuvînt înainte (despre a 2-a parte al articolului):
Eu consider această parte al articolului ca pe o continuarea a primei părţi despre clasificarea arhetipică a jocurilor video. Partea a doua s-a dezvoltat din anumite fragmente, pe care le-am adăogat la capitolul "Tangenţe", însă cu timpul am tot redactat şi adăogat texte noi, în fine, toate acestea transformîndu-se în ceva cu mult mai voluminos. Deseori este destul de dificil să adăogi informaţie într-atît de multă pe o singură pagină web, deaceea am şi împărţit articolul în două părţi aparte. Sper că în aşa fel o să vă fie mai comod de citit. -)  – Aşa deci, începem:

Oare ce este jocul?

Mulţi dintre developerii începători, dar şi cei care de mai mulţi ani crează jocuri video, uneori se întreabă – “Oare ce este jocul?” Haideţi totuşi să ne gîndim, în ce constă esenţa unui joc...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 922
  0 5.0

Category: General Theory

Noua viziune teoretică, pe lîngă cea tradiţională

 (articol analitic, ştiinţifico-popular)

Cuvînt înainte (din partea autorului):
–  Prima versiune al acestui articol am publicat în septembrie 2014. Timp de aproape un an de zile am redactat semnificativ articolul, am adăogat mai multă informaţie şi ulterior am împărţit acest articol în două părţi mari, pentru o mai multă comoditate. Informaţia principală se află în special în prima parte. Sper că acest articol o să vă fie util.


Clasificarea tradiţională ale jocurilor electronico-digitale (tot dînsele – jocuri video, video games) se face de obicei după genuri interactive (shooter, slasher, racing etc.), după genuri artistice (dramă, tragedie, melodramă etc.). Deasemenea...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 868
  0 5.0

Category: General Theory

Человечный менеджмент в команде («начальничкам» на заметку)

- Это продолжение ко второй части статьи "Архетипная Классификация Видео Игр: Сущность Игр"

Я бы не стал это писать, в рамках общей темы, но подумал что это тоже крайне важно, тем более для плодотворной разработке игр именно в команде, инди или мейнстрим. Считайте это одним из заключительных штрихов данной статьи. Короче…
Раз-уж зашёл разговор о команде, то следует...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 952
  0 0.0

Category: General Theory

Сущность игр

 (аналитическая статья, научно-популярная)

Слово от автора (ко второй части статьи):

Я рассматриваю эту часть статьи именно как продолжение первой части об архетипной классификации видео игр.
Вторая часть статьи выросло из отельных кусков, которых я добавил в главе о "Взаимосвязях", однако со временем я редактировал и добавлял новые записи и, в конечном счёте, это всё переросло в нечто большее. Часто затруднительно добавлять на одной интернет-страничке столько информации, поэтому я и разделил статью на две большие части. Надеюсь что таким образом будет удобнее читать. :) – Итак, начинаем:

И что же такое Игра?!

Многие начинающие разработчики, да и те которые уже много лет делают видео игры, иногда задаются вопросом – "А что же такое игра?"
А давайте-ка подумаем над тем, в чём суть игры, из чего она состоит, для чего мы в ней играем.
– Ведь мы все хотим чтобы своя игра была интересной для большинства игроков.
Сначало давайте-ка вспомним...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 964
  0 0.0

Category: General Theory

Новое теоретическое видение, помимо традиционного

 (аналитическая статья, научно-популярная)

Слово от автора:

– Первый вариант этой статьи был опубликован в сентябре 2014 года. В течении почти целого года я значительно отредактировал статью, добавил много информации и в последствии, разделил статью на две большие части, для удобства. Основная информация находится, главным образом, в этой первой части. Надеюсь что статья будет вам полезной.


Традиционная классификация электронно-цифровых игр (они же - видео игры, video games) обычно осуществляется согласно интерактивных жанрам (стрелялки, слэшер, гонки и т.д.), по художественным жанрам (драма, трагедия, мелодрама и т.д.), также, согласно масштабу разработки, по целевой аудитории или предоставленным бюджетам – будь то казуальные игры, хардкорные, инди (independent games) или мэйнстрим (mainstream), AAA, артхаус (art-house, оно же "авторское"). Подобная классификация никуда не пропадёт, однако, с научной точке зрения, желательно концентрировать определённые моменты и выявить те элементы, которые...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 1096
  0 5.0

Category: Other about Games

We've noticed that many of the players too much time devote his favorite games - from 10 hours or more. Some even lose entire days on the game, even without resting.

So, on this theme appears an elementary question: How much time should be given for the game?

My recommendations are:

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 818
  0 5.0

Category: Other about Games

Cu toţii am observat că o bună parte din jucători prea mult timp dedică jocurilor sale preferate – de la 10 ore şi mai mult, unii în genere pierzînd cîteva zile asupra jocului, fără a se odihni măcar.

La această temă apare o întrebare elementară: Cît timp trebuie să oferim jocului?

Recomandările mele sînt următoarele:

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 778
  0 5.0

Category: Other about Games

Все мы заметили что многие игроки слишком много времени уделяют своим любимым играм – от 10-ти часов и более. Некоторые вообще торчат целыми днями над игрой, не отдыхая вовсе.

Итак, касательно этой темы появляется элементарный вопрос: Сколько времени нужно уделять игре? Мои рекомендации следующие:

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 823
  0 5.0


B L O G  section  [come here to add entry]

Category: Other blog entries
The laser projector that creates real 3D shapes in the air!

Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has developed a device that uses lasers to create a real three-dimensional image, like shapes in the open air. The Institute has demonstrated the development to February 7, showing at the same time the possibility of creating 3D shapes using white lasers

The projector is designed in collaboration with Keio University and Burton Inc. (Kawasaki).

To create a "real" three-dimensional image, it uses laser light, that focused by lenses in points to s...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 1032
  0 0.0

Category: Other blog entries

Elon Musk, the owner of the company SpaceX, prepares the fleet of small satellites to make the Internet less expensive.

Musk posted a message on his Twitter that the project of micro-satellites that will work in large formations, is still in the early stages of development, but a formal announcement can be expected in 2-3 months.

This project should be a step to make Internet less expensive, accessible and with high speed.

According to rumored will be launched around 700 small satellites with a total value betw...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 752
  0 0.0

Category: Psychology & Psychotherapy

You are furious because lose a round in the on-line game?
You are very upset because not pass the level to the end, or have lost the battle with the "boss"?
Do not be angry!
-Want to control your emotions anytime you need?
-Want to raise your mood in any difficult moment?
I propose you some effective methods for this, absolutely accessible for everyone. All you need – a little attention, a little imagination and a lot of desire to get up from negative mud of your own soul, to get rid of bad emotions, to open the way to a brighter life, to efficient work & play, without stress.

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 885
  0 5.0

Category: Psychology & Psychotherapy

Sînteţi fusrios că aţi pierdut o rundă într-un joc online?
V-aţi ieşit din fire cînd n-aţi trecut nivelul pînă la final sau aţi pierdut o bătălie cu "boss-ul"?
Nu vă întristaţi!
Doriţi să vă controlaţi emoţiile oricînd aveţi nevoie?
Doriţi să vă ridicaţi dispoziţia în orice moment anevoios?
Vă propun nişte metode eficiente pentru aceasta, accesibile absolut pentru fiecare om. Tot de ce este nevoie - un pic de atenţie, un pic de imaginaţie şi multă dorinţă de a vă ridica din mocirla negativă al propriului suflet, de a scăpa de emoţiile rele, pentru a vă deschide calea spre o viaţă mai luminoasă, sp...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 964
  0 5.0

Category: Psychology & Psychotherapy

Вы в ярости что проиграли раунд в он-лайн игре?
Вышли из себя что не прошли уровень до конца или проиграли битву с "боссом"?
Не беда!

-Хотите управлять своими эмоциями всякий раз когда вам это необходимо?
-Хотите поднять настроение в любой трудный для вас момент?
Для этого предлагаю вам эффективные методы, доступные для любого человека. Всё что необходимо – немного внимания, немного воображения и много желания, чтобы подняться из негативного болота собственной души, чтобы избавится от плохих эмоций, чтобы открыть вам путь к более яркой жизни, к эффективному труду без стр...

published by: DmitryONik80
Number of readings: 1067
  0 5.0


V I D E O  section  [come here to add video]

category: Other Game Trailers

Fallout 4 Gameplay Trai... Fallout 4 Gameplay Trailer - Fallout 4 Trailer at E3 2015

0 0 0.0
Fallout 4 Gameplay Trailer.
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

Fallout 4 Crafting Game... Fallout 4 Crafting Gameplay - E3 2015 Bethesda Conference - Build your own settlement

0 0 0.0
Fallout 4 Crafting Gameplay in-game,
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

Fallout 4 Crafting Game... Fallout 4 Crafting Gameplay - E3 2015 Bethesda Conference - Build your own settlement

0 0 0.0
Fallout 4 Crafting Gameplay in-game,
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

DOOM 4 - SnapMap Gamepl... DOOM 4 - SnapMap Gameplay (Map Creation)

0 0 0.0
"Doom Snapmap" - the best modding tool from ID !!!
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

Doom 4 Gameplay - Doom ... Doom 4 Gameplay - Doom 4 1080p HD (E3 2015)

0 0 0.0
Doom 4 Gameplay !!!
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Game Trailers

DOOM - E3 2015 Gameplay... DOOM - E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer

0 0 0.0
Doom official big trailer!
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Game Trailers

ArmA 3 - The Eridanus I... ArmA 3 - The Eridanus Insurrection mod ALPHA showcase

0 0 0.0
Halo mod for ArmA 3. I did NOT make this mod.Download link:
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

Unreal Engine 4 Kite Op... Unreal Engine 4 Kite Open World Cinematic

0 0 0.0
The kite cinematic created in Unreal Engine 4 features a diverse and beautifully realized 100 square mile landscape. Everything you see was generated in real-time by Unreal Engine 4 at 30fps and includes fully dynamic lighting, cinematic post effects and procedurally placed trees and foliage. Get Unreal and get going for free at
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

New Hammer Editor ver.2... New Hammer Editor ver.2014 (Dota 2 Authoring Tools, Source-2 ?)

0 0 0.0
Valve has finally pushed out a major update for Hammer, the first in nearly a decade. It's a lot of fun, and there's a lot of improvements! Watch me screw around!
published by: DmitryONik80
category: Other Video

VR - Serenity Virtual R... VR - Serenity Virtual Reality Tour

0 0 0.0
Download this experience here Joss Whedon's cult 'Space Western' series, Firefly, has been off the air for almost 12 years it is still dear to the hearts of thousands of fans. While we did get a movie, Serenity, in 2005, most Browncoats will likely never forgive Fox for possibly the most egregious premature show cancellation in TV history. Developer Kavehth has done the impossible and kept our beloved ship flying a little bit longer by recreating it for the Oculus Rift.
published by: DmitryONik80


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